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What is THC? Its Benefits, History, and impact on the Body

What is THC? Its Benefits, History and Impact on the Body
What is THC? Its Benefits, History and Impact on the Body


The cannabis plant produces over 400 different chemical compounds throughout its life. But the presence of just one of them sealed the fate of hemp for nearly a century. It became one of the most visited plants on the planet. One compound interacts with the human body in such a way as to produce a complex signature of high impact unlike any other. Its name is THC. THC is a chemical compound found only in the plant called cannabis. These are scientifically called cannabinoids. THC, however, is unique among all other plants, and for one very important reason, it is the most potent psychoactive. What is THC and what does it mean? More importantly, what does THC do to the brain?

For decades, unanswered questions, confusion, and misinformation have warped public understanding of cannabis. This article from THC aims to set the record straight. Survey the current research on the drug, and share your thoughts about the future of tetrahydrocannabinol.

What is THC?

What Is THC?
What Is THC?

THC, short for tetrahydrocannabinol, is the component in cannabis responsible for the plant's psychoactive effects. When you feel high after consuming cannabis it is because of THC. It is a class of chemicals that interact with the endocannabinoid system of the body. By binding to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, THC activates neurons that affect pleasure, memory, thinking, coordination, and time perception. Some research indicates from a recreational perspective, it can feel good, causing a feeling of euphoria and relaxation in some people.

Forms of THC

You can experience the benefits of THC through a number of consumption methods. THC is often smoked as marijuana, but it can actually be used in a number of different ways. THC can be consumed:

  • smoking

  • vaping

  • topical

  • edibles

  • sublingual administration

THC Evolution in History

The cannabis plant was first known in Central Asia before being introduced to Africa, Europe, and eventually the Americas. Most ancient societies developed the plant as herbal medicine, not because of its psychoactive properties. Rather it probably began in Asia around 500 BCE. Because it is an easy-to-grow plant, it was cultivated throughout colonial America and in the Spanish missions in the Southwest. THC was present in small amounts in these early cannabis plants. This suggests that ancient cultures were aware of the psychoactive effects of the cannabis plant. They grew special varieties to produce more THC so they could use it in religious rituals or medical treatments.

How long does THC stay in your Body?

Your consumption pattern plays a role.THC not only binds to receptors in your brain, but it also spreads its network throughout your body. THC builds up in your system over time, so how often you use THC determines how long it stays in your body. The immune system has receptors, which is why THC can act as a potent anti-inflammatory but can also reduce the effectiveness of the immune system. Most of the sensations you get when you smoke cannabis are actually the result of changes in your brain. But cannabinoids can also act on ECS receptors throughout the body, producing a variety of beneficial effects.

Medicinal Benefits of Tetrahydrocannabinol

Medicinal Benefits of Tetrahydrocannabinol
Medicinal Benefits of Tetrahydrocannabinol


The potential for using cannabis as a cancer treatment is one of the most promising and overstated of THC's benefits. More likely, cannabis has been and will continue to be used as a treatment for harsh cancer, and side effects of medical cannabis treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation. Studies have just begun to identify the anticarcinogenic properties of tetrahydrocannabinol. According to researchers examining the effects of cannabis on tumors in animals, THC can cause cancer cells to eat themselves. The results are incredible - the tumor shrunk and the reduction in proliferation of cancer cells is still there.


THC affects the body's immune system because it is a potent anti-inflammatory drug. Inflammation is an underlying factor that contributes to a wide range of diseases. Therefore tetrahydrocannabinol has a role to play in treating all of these. From autoimmune diseases to neurodegenerative disorders such as multiple sclerosis to depression, cannabis has demonstrated its power as a therapeutic treatment.

Improves Sleep

Sleep disturbances are common in people with MS and chronic pain health problems. Studies in these groups suggest that THC products can improve short-term sleep problems and reduce sleep disturbances. It helps in reducing the time it takes to fall asleep. THC directly affected the quality of sleep or improved sleep because chronic symptoms were reduced.

Digestive Disorders

The FDA has recognized that THC has the ability to soothe pain and reduce nausea and other symptoms related to gastrointestinal distress. With endocannabinoid receptors in the digestive tract, cannabis may help people with serious GI tract diseases such as Crohn's and irritable bowel syndrome. As the barriers to research continue to be broken down, it will only get longer.

Chronic pain

One popular medical use for THC is as a pain reliever. Cannabis THC is much safer than the incredibly dangerous and addictive opioids that are flooding the drug market in the United States. THC's ability to secrete information and stimulate the release of opioids like dopamine is what makes it such a powerful drug for treating pain and related symptoms.


THC is the component of cannabis that manages the psychoactive effects of the cannabis plant. Some research indicates from a recreational perspective, it can feel good, creating a sense of euphoria and relaxation in some people. Buy the best THC-infused cannabis products from Green Bud SF. Recreational Cannabis Delivery San Francisco, Cannabis Delivery South SF, Cannabis Delivery Bay Area SF, and Cannabis Delivery Airport SF.

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