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Blue Dream, a sativa-dominant hybridoriginating in California, has achieved legendary status among West Coast strains. Crossing a Blueberry indica with the sativa Haze, Blue Dream balances full-body relaxation with gentle cerebral invigoration. Novice and veteran consumers alike enjoy the level effects of Blue Dream, which ease you gently into a calm euphoria. Some Blue Dream phenotypes express a more indica-like look and feel, but the sativa-leaning variety remains most prevalent.

Notice: All cannabis concentrates and vaping products carried by The Natural Cannabis Company are thoroughly tested for purity and cleanliness and found free of vitamin E acetate. Each product we sell is lab tested per the State of California’s rigorous testing standards, ensuring every cannabis item you purchase is free from heavy metals, insecticides, solvents, microbial impurities, mycotoxins, and foreign materials. Your health is our utmost priority and we’re committed to only providing healthy, clean cannabis products you can feel good about enjoying.

Blue Dream Hybrid Cannabis High Potency Extract 1g

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